Hair Completer

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Shop4Free ด้วย: 4,000 เครดิต
Shop4Free ด้วย: 4,000 เครดิต
ได้รับเพิ่มเติม เครดิตตอนนี้
THE HAIR COMPLETER is equipped with "Ionto-FLEX" bristles. The material properties of these special bristles are precisely matched to the galvanic current technology and simultaneously offer the material flexibility required for use on the scalp as well as the conductivity required for transmit the galvanic current used in iontophoresis.
No more expensive Hair Clinics with painful injections . Save thousands of € and indulge yourselve with PRO Hair treaments in the Comfort of your Home
Shop4Free ด้วย: 4,000 เครดิต
ได้รับเพิ่มเติม เครดิตตอนนี้
THE HAIR COMPLETER is equipped with "Ionto-FLEX" bristles. The material properties of these special bristles are precisely matched to the galvanic current technology and simultaneously offer the material flexibility required for use on the scalp as well as the conductivity required for transmit the galvanic current used in iontophoresis.
No more expensive Hair Clinics with painful injections . Save thousands of € and indulge yourselve with PRO Hair treaments in the Comfort of your Home